Thursday, 24 June 2010

2010 News Years resolution- going strong!

About 5th Jan I saw an advert for a 'Learn to Crochet' serial on TV. Being easily influenced by advertising, I dutifully ran off to WH Smith and bought the first part- replete with DVD guide, 2 balls of yarn and 4mm crochet hook.

It was awful.

Then I bought the Happy Hooker book and lo and behold I had a go...

Since then I have made this and this and this and this and this and this:

6 months later and I have finished my 18th project, which looks like this:

I never in a million years thought I could make something beautiful out of a piece of yarn and a hook. It's a huge self-esteem boost to create something, too.

I have my eye on baby clothes, a poncho and another Clapochet for my next projects...


  1. I absolutely love the turquoise scarfy thing! I need to learn to crochet!

  2. You need to show me how to crochet. I can do an edging, and have made a granny square but I can't get my head round it to feel natural. I love your shawls!
